Helpful Tips

Use customer quotes and helpful tips to leave with the customer.
(all of our products are environmentally safe)

  • Schedule landscapers (and any other maintenance personnel) so that they DO NOT come on the day of sealing. Reschedule them to come TWO DAYS AFTER sealing to allow for sufficient 'curing' time. NOTE: Advise landscapers NOT to make tight turns on sealed pavers in to prevent tire markings from their riding equipment.

  • Remove furniture, plants, and any other movable decorative items from any area being cleaned and sealed, or arrange removal with your sealing technician.

  • Pool maintenance service should not be done on the day of sealing. Regular pool maintenance can be performed the day following the sealing to remove any sand or debris from the pool and filters.

  • Tum off your sprinkler system on the day your pavers are being cleaned and sealed.

  • Make sure all automobiles that will need to be used are out of the garage and not in the paver area that is to be cleaned and sealed. If you are not home the day of cleaning and sealing and if garage doors close on the pavers, make arrangements with your sealing technician to be sure that garage doors will be left open.

  • The paver surface can be opened to foot traffic 4 hours after cleaning and sealing is completed.

  • The paver surface can be opened to vehicular traffic 48 hours after cleaning and sealing is complete. To prevent tire markings do not make any tight turns or sudden stops.

  • Replace furniture, plants, and any other decorative items on the paver surface the next day.

  • Swim in your pool the next day.

  • We recommend sealing maintenance every three years.

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